Bring Green Home


There are so many reasons to add plants to any room in your home-including your actual health. Plants are the lungs of the earth, and improve air quality, reduce toxins, and are even proven to reduce stress levels and improve sleep. Plants literally bring life into your home.


Transform your bathroom into a Zen Spa with the addition of a few well-placed plants.


I was always afraid to add plants to my space. I was a self-avowed “non green” thumb, and frequently killed off any plant that came within several feet of me. With a little coaching, and learning which plants are best suited for specific spaces, I have turned over a new leaf. My house plants are thriving, and with minimal effort on my part.


Our team at La Terre teaches me daily about plant selection and care, and can easily do the same for you. We are happy to consult, offer feedback from a photo, or suggest a book to get you started.

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